5 PM SERVICE OPTION | Now Available
CONTACT | If someone needs to contact the staff, they can call or text the church at 229.888.8055http://admin@mygracecity.church

DISCOVER | In Person or Online

This form will add them to our Discover reminder list. Don't give option for online unless needed.


Jot down a quick story, witnessed win, or positive feedback. Help us celebrate our teams, mark what God is doing and more.

CARE | Prayer, Meals, Etc

Learn about a church member need, crisis, surgery, new child or other? Make a note to add them to our system with any info you've gathered.

BAPTISM | Register

                  BAPTISM | Info https://mygracecity.church/baptism

Share link above to have someone sign up for baptism, or share the info link.
 Child Dedication is Dec 1st


Group idea? Willing to be a host? Want to lead? Sign up here.

GIVING | Statements + help

Access giving records from the giving. Go to "Log In", then select "My Giving." Request a paper giving statement via this link OR email give@mygracecity.church.