5 PM SERVICE OPTION | Now Available

January 24-25

By faith, not by sight.

Our women’s conference is an unforgettable time where we connect as a community of women. You’ll experience rich teachings, life-giving worship, and breakout sessions that will leave you; ENCOURAGED, REFRESHED, and RESTORED!




Doors Open — 5:45
Session 1 — 6:30
After Party — 8:00
Doors Open — 8:30
Session 2 — 9:00
Morning Breakout
Catered Lunch
Afternoon Breakout
Session 3
Close + Dismiss — 2:30


Authority in the Home

Living from Victory
Step into the authority you have in Christ for your home and family. We will dive into how to pray and lead with faith over your family, bringing God’s peace and purpose into your relationships with your children, spouse, and loved ones. Leave feeling equipped to be a bold, loving force for Christ in your household.

Life with God

Empowered by the Spirit
Do you realize the full power of God lives within you? All of the fruit of the spirit of God is available to you at all times, but how can you access it for every moment of every day? Join us for some incredible insights from God's word that will enable you to walk in the fullness of what God has for you. Get ready to become aware of the presence of God already at work in you!

Daily Fuel

Living By the Power of God's Word
Scripture is powerful, living, and relevant for every moment of your life. Learn how to apply God’s Word daily, using its truth to transform how you think, act, and walk in faith. This session will inspire you to make scripture a source of strength, bringing God’s promises to life in every area of your journey.

Big Faith

Believe Beyond
Nothing is impossible for those who believe! Discover how to step out in faith, expect the miraculous, and believe that God will move in powerful ways in your life. Together, we’ll talk about taking bold steps toward the dreams God has planted in your heart, knowing He is faithful to complete what He’s started.

In Tune

Responding to God's Voice
In a world full of noise, learning to recognize God’s voice is key to walking closely with Him. This session will cover practical ways to discern His guidance, tune into the Holy Spirit’s promptings, and confidently follow His lead. Let’s clear the noise and make space for His voice to become your strongest guide.

Stand Firm

Faith Through the Waiting
Sometimes faith means standing firm when the answer seems far away. Learn how to keep hope alive, believe for miracles, and find strength in God’s timing, even when the journey is longer than expected. This session will encourage you to trust that God is moving, teaching you how to hold onto faith through every season of waiting.

Together apparel

Order online and ship directly to your house.


Small Groups

Continue to do life "Together." Find a Small Group that works for you.

Share Your Story

We would love to hear about your experience at Together Women's Conference. Share your story or give us feedback here.

Prayer Requests

Our team would love to lift you up in prayer. Submit your requests so we can agree with you for breakthrough.